Women’s Fitness Blog
At GoddessFit, we work to make everything about our fitness center and personal training a great experience for women. With our state-of-the-art facilities, dedicated trainers, and personalized programs, we are committed to helping women achieve their fitness goals and feel empowered. Whether you’re new to fitness or a seasoned athlete, GoddessFit is here to support you on your journey to a healthier and stronger you. Join us today and experience the GoddessFit difference!

Yoga poses that help relieve stress
How do we get past that nagging self doubt when it rears it’s ugly head? Here area few tips to help you become more confident in your abilities whether it’s with a business project, delivering a speech, or getting the best out of your workout routine. Realize that when you doubt your own power and...

What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are...

Best Ways to Deal With Stress
From natural disasters to heated political debates, to overly demanding bosses, our world is filled with stressors. While some research has shown that short bursts of stress can be good for you, a new study out of Ohio State University and published in the journal Proceedings of the National...

Better Health at 50 and Beyond
How do we get past that nagging self doubt when it rears it’s ugly head? Here area few tips to help you become more confident in your abilities whether it’s with a business project, delivering a speech, or getting the best out of your workout routine. Realize that when you doubt your own power and...

Staying Fit as You Age
If you were physically active before 50, that’s great. But if you didn’t exercise regularly, it’s not too late to start. Physical activity may help tame some of the symptoms of menopause — hot flashes, joint pain, and sleep problems. Exercise also lowers your risk of developing heart disease,...

Workout mistakes women make when they hit menopause
Menopause isn’t the scary monster it’s made out to be. But when those estrogen levels begin to drop, some not-so-fun stuff starts happening to your body. This hormone helps keep your metabolism humming and your body curvy; when it fades, you’ll begin to add pounds—the average woman gains 5 to 7...

Staying motivated when things get tough
Staying motivated can be tough under the best of circumstances. So how can you stay motivated when your to-do list runs to four pages, you just got another rejection letter, your adult child announced his plans to move back home, the car and washing machine went on the fritz at the same time and...

Why staying fit during menopause is important
Dealing with some extra abdominal fat during middle age? As you near the end of menopause — when your ovaries stop producing eggs — your estrogen levels drop, which can lead to weight gain, especially around your midsection. But you don’t have to succumb to a new mid-life midsection.Experts...

Why stretching before and after a workout is important
Stretching is very important to your fitness routine and will help to ensure that you don’t have any injuries. It was so very easy to make excuses to not stretch after every workout. I’m late.I’m tiredI’ll do it later.It doesn’t matter. Since flexibility is a HUGE part of your overall fitness. The...